Friday, July 8, 2011

The Best Beauty Secret

A lot of people –both men and women resort to buying different skin care products or go under the knife to make their skin look younger. But is the fountain of youth already out there? Is it botox or certain skin care products? Wrong. Some skin care products help the skin look smoother and younger-looking but not all of them are effective.
So what is the fountain of youth you say? There is no need to traverse the Caribbean or some other part of the world to look for the fountain of youth. The reason why we say this is that, it is already right in your refrigerator.
Milk you say? Alright milk proteins do a lot of good for the skin since they make the skin heal faster but what we are talking about specifically is water. Water replenishes the skin i.e. keeps it hydrated. If your skin is hydrated, it does not only keep itself smooth and young-looking but also makes it glow.
We are made out of 75% water and need enough to keep our internal organs working properly. Water is also said to help in metabolism that is why it is usually advised by fitness experts that dieters drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.
If you lack water in your system, toxins can form and can cause acne problems, fatigue and even constipation. Other ailments are associated with lack of water so it would be better if you drink enough water on a daily basis. If you drink enough water everyday, you will be surprised at how beautiful your skin looks. Drinking enough water will not only make your skin feel smoother and look smoother but it will also keep it young. The aging process is also delayed if you drink enough water on a daily basis.


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