Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How To Help Your Hair Grow Faster

If you have ever had the misfortune to have a hairstylist cut off more hair than you wanted then you know how painfully slow hair growth can seem to be sometimes and if your hair has been damaged by over bleaching or becoming a little too fond of hot styling aids it can sometimes seem like its not growing at all! If you have been in either or these situations – or still are – then the chances are probably pretty good that you have wished that there was a way that you could make your hair grow faster.
There is, unfortunately, no single “magic bullet” that will guarantee that your hair growth can be sped up from sluggish to fast and luxurious but there are some things you can do to make you hair grow a little faster and help ensure that when the new growth appears it is healthier and stronger than ever before:

Step One – Use natural herbs and essential oils
There are a number of natural herbs and essential oils that many people have found help speed up hair growth and improve the health of their hair. Aloe Vera for example has lots of great uses – you may be used to using it in gel form to soothe a horrible sunburn – and helping accelerate hair growth is one of them. Applying aloe Vera to the scalp helps relieve any irritations, effectively fight dandruff and regulate the production of sebum from the scalp – all things that can result in accelerated hair growth.
Hibiscus oil – particularly red hibiscus oil – has been used as a hair growth accelerator in Ayervedic medicine for centuries and just adding a few drops of it in the form of essential oil – which you can buy at most health food stores – to your favorite deep conditioning treatment can help speed up hair growth as well.

Step Two – Eat Your Way to Faster Hair Growth
You hair relies on nourishment from food every bit as much as the rest of your body does and there are certain foods that can really help make your hair grow faster because they simply contain all “the right stuff” and in some cases a lot of it.
Salmon is a great all around source of omega 3 fatty acids, substances that not only help your hair grow faster and stronger but thanks to omega 3′s antioxidant power they help protect your hair from environmental damage as well. Nuts are also a fabulous hair food, especially Brazil nuts which are one of the best natural sources of selenium, a substance that is essential for hair growth.
Other foods that are great for your hair (and your body in general) include spinach, whole grains and oysters, which are packed full of zinc, another very hair friendly substance.
Step Three – Use Supplements to Grow Your Hair Faster
Your hair needs vitamins – and plenty of them – to grow long and strong. In an ideal world you would get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs in general from your diet but for most of us that is just not the case (however hard we try to eat healthy)
One very important hair vitamin is a B vitamin called biotin and the only really good sources of it in food are egg yolks and rice, not staples of many people’s daily diet. Taking a biotin supplement can make a difference to the strength of your hair very quickly as well as help your hair grow faster as well. You can actually buy special “hair vitamin” supplements  at drug stores and in some hair salons and opting for one of those can be an easy way to get all the great vitamins your hair needs!


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